Accidental Plan

Welcome to Accidental Plan -- your source for my random thoughts on just about anything. I have tons of random thoughts everyday. I try to remember them so I can bring them to you, the Accidental Plan readers. I hope you enjoy. If you do, come back often. If you don't, come back less often.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Blogging black hole

You know how some things just suck you in and hold you tightly preventing you from doing anything of major significance. Well that's what happened to AccidentalPlan. Life, work, and lots of partying diverted me from my blogging resonsbilities (and my dissertation).

A lot has changed since I last blogged. Almost all of it has been good which is nice.

I've been traveling. I went to San Antonio (and had too much fun with someone I met there). I went to visit my family in the Valley. I went to Austin for work, and I vacationed in Los Angeles last month. I'll have to blog about LA another day. It was a nice trip but there were quite a few things that struck me about Los Angelians.

I'm also getting ready for my annual trek to NYC. I love the Big Apple. I have a busy weekend planned already. In case you don't remember, I
posted some thoughts about last year's trip on a previous post (along with some of Patrick and Clayton's favorite moments also).

I think I've got plenty to blog about now so I'll be back posting with a vengeance. The black hole that sucked away my blogging responsibilites has loosened its grip. So, check back often for more updates.

Enjoy this until my next post.

-Raul @ AP-

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Let Me Think About It

Luv it.

Music Videos - Let Me Think About It

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My new online obsession

All of you probably know that my classes are pretty much done and now I'm writing my dissertation (well, sorta). I have a lot more free time now and have been catching up on television and randomly surfing the web.

Lately, I've become obsessed with this video blogger, LittleBiggerChris, on YouTube. He is from Houston and lives in NYC (I'm totally jealous) and put up the funniest and sometimes deep video blogs. Here are a few samples. You should watch some of them sometime on his YouTube channel ( or check out his website (

WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING: Chris had an unemployment phase in NYC. I can't imagine that was easy.

WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING: Reminds me of buying MetroCards on vacation in NYC. One day I'll be able to buy one that fast.

WHAT YOU'RE WATCHING: Chris even courted his boyfriend, Nick, using YouTube and video blogs. I totally am in love with them. I also love his shout out to THE SECRET (Patrick will appreciate that one). Maybe I should start a v-log to find a date!!!

Enjoy. Be careful - these things are addictive!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

LIVE BLOG: Black Tie Dinner

The view from our table is nice but there is a screaming lesbian auctioneer. I seriously have lost my hearing. Dinner was good but the vodka and 7-ups were amazing.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Dance it out

I love it!

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Sunday, July 08, 2007

Our favorite NYC moments

[Editor's Note: This is a long entry but it is worth it.]

A few weeks ago I went to NYC with my best buds. It was really my favorite trip ever! The planning committee (Patrick, Clayton, Randall, and I) decided to come up with a Top 10 list of our favorite NYC memories. Some people really can't follow directions though. Everyone's list had nearly 20 (or more in some cases) memories. So here are the highlights from the others and mine follow at the end. Enjoy!

Here's what other people have said about our NYC trip.

From Patrick: Getting that "What a Bitch!" look from the group as I was coming out of baggage claim because I had two suitcases and a carry on. [Editor's Note: It was technically two carry ons, but who is counting.]

From Patrick: After dinner, making a bottle of vodka my first NYC souvenir purchase. [Editor's Note: Patrick talked about finding some vodka at a liquor store all the way to NYC. He likes a drink while getting ready.]

From Patrick: Clayton passing out on the subway. [Editor's Note: It was actually the Number 2 Brooklyn-bound train - two nights in a row.]

From Patrick: Watching "you know who" help the strippers at "The Cock" keep "it" up! [Editor's Note: I don't know anything about this one.]

From Patrick: Leaving Union Square at 10:45am and getting on a train that didn't cross into Brooklyn because of construction. So, suffering with an intense hangover, I ran across the Brooklyn Bridge to meet Raul and Randall for church. I make it back to the hotel at 11:30 run up to the room, shower and change clothes while being interrogated by Clayton and making it on time for church at 12.

From Patrick: Having an "Ex-boyfriend" at that great little restaurant in Chelsea with all the windows whose name I always forget and waiting, hoping and praying that Randall will finish his meal somewhere close to 10 minutes after everyone else has finished theirs. [Editor's Note: An Ex-Boyfriend is a drink and the way Randall eats, Patrick had time for two.]

From Patrick: Raul stealing a VIP gift bag and all of us standing around a trash can using all the blotters that were in it to freshen up before we went out. Then Clayton and I fighting over who was going to get the pink lip gloss. [Editor's Note: We looked good. Shout out to MAC.].

From Clayton: Trying to quickly learn the chaotic process of ordering and paying for a f*****g slice of pizza in Brooklyn while trying to maintain a non-touristy persona. [Editor's Note: Agreed. This one was complicated.]

From Clayton: Timidly chanting "Hip Hip, JORGE!" and trying to remain inconspicuous while sandwiched between a group of rowdy Mets and Yankee fans.

From Clayton: Learning way too much information about the BM patterns and processes of fellow tourists. [Editor's Note: My friends crap a lot.]

From Clayton: Meeting a stranger at the Gym Bar in Greenwich who introduces himself as, "I'm Duck - as in Quack Quack". [Editor's Note: His name was actually Goose as in duck, duck. I guess they do this one differently in Clayton's rural hometown.]

From Clayton: "Clayton, please don't leave with Raul and Randall - Stay here and party with me!!!!" Fast forward 5 minutes. "Bye, Clayton. I'm leaving." [Editor's Note: Famous last words from Patrick.]

From Randall: Plane landing, pilot slamming on breaks, and passengers praying we won't go for a swim. [Editor's Note: I hate landing at Laguardia Airport too.]

From Randall: Who's sleeping with whom?, and getting to sleep alone two of the three nights. [Editor's Note: Bitch.]

From Randall: Bellhop's good morning greeting after clubbing all night our 1st night in NYC.

From Randall: Kicking butt in billiards while meeting new friends @ "The Gym". [Editor's Note: Finally, Randall finds someone to play pool with him.]

From Randall: Searching for Canal street for hours and leaving empty-handed. [Editor's Note: By the way, $60 for bootleg Louis Vuitton is apparently a deal breaker.]

From Randall: Clayton's new law: Let's go under the turnstile bar! [Editor's Note: Swipe your Metrocard ONCE and wait for the GO light to turn on to get in the subway. It doesn't matter if you bought a 7-day pass you will have to wait 15 minutes to try again. We wouldn't know if that is actually the case though since Clayton just crawled through the gate.]

Raul's Top 10 Memories/Observations of NYC 2007

1. The Marriott Brooklyn Bridge doesn't have 24-hour room service which means they can't deliver you a cheeseburger at 5 am or 3 am. Clayton and Patrick learned the hard way. Oh yeah, they also didn't charge us for the room service you ordered to be delivered at 10 am. Since we didn't answer the door they can't charge you.

2. Practically running everywhere to catch up with Clayton and Patrick. They sure do walk fast. Most of New York is a blur thanks to their speed walking.

3. I remember my hands being sore from clapping for 20 minutes for the oldest man in the Brooklyn Tabernacle Church on Father's Day to walk to the front. He really deserved that free trip to Puerto Rico (at least I think that's what they said).

4. Screaming "Steven" at Splash just being stupid and it actually being him. I loved having him around. Oh yeah and randomly thinking he worked at Splash. He kept talking about work so I thought he worked there.

5. Going to the Subway Series at Yankee Stadium. You just can't beat baseball in NYC. The people are crazy.

6. Yelling at my fellow travelers, "Don't forget to get cash. They don't take credit cards." Interestingly enough, people didn't have cash for food but they sure had tons of singles for drinks and tips for the dancers. Weird, huh?

7a. Accidentally going to Riverside Park instead of Central Park and pretending it was the real deal. I don't think Clayton and Patrick figured it out since they had to go to the bathroom.

7b. Spending a lot of time in NYC looking for a bathroom.

8a. Sending Patrick a text message to remind him checkout is at 11 am and hearing his phone go "New Message" a second later in the room. Damn it, he never takes his phone with him!

8b. Sleeping in a room that was 65 degrees because Patrick likes it cold and then realizing he didn't even stay there two of the three nights. I was freezing.

9. Almost missing our flight because Clayton had to have magazines.

10a. The look on the bartender's face at Broadway Bares when I asked for 8 vodka and 7-Up drinks. Total cost: $72. I didn't want to stand in line again.

10b. Helping Patrick put Visine drops in his eyes because he has never done that before and then commenting, "Wow, that stuff really works. How does it do it?"

Honorable Mention: Playing drinking games at The Boysroom while watching videos. You guys remember what we were betting on! I can't believe the blonde one made me lose. Oh well, at least the drinks were only $1.

One more honorable mention: Wondering what the cleaning lady thought about the random stuff in our room. I bet she wore two gloves at a time. Those NYC condoms can really help you figure out what train to take home. I'm serious, click here to see one.

What a trip! Well there's my Top 10 (it is technically 10). I can't wait for next year.

Oh yeah and if you want to support a good cause, send these folks a nice donation.

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Sad story from Austin

This story really bothers me. Aside from the obvious racial overtones, I can't believe that a random group of people have the right to take someone else's life this way. It is heartbreaking.

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