Accidental Plan

Welcome to Accidental Plan -- your source for my random thoughts on just about anything. I have tons of random thoughts everyday. I try to remember them so I can bring them to you, the Accidental Plan readers. I hope you enjoy. If you do, come back often. If you don't, come back less often.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Back to school

Dear friend/family member/people I know:

This is an open letter to all of you.

School starts this week (Tuesday to be exact). This summer is going to be hell! I am taking nine hours and already have homework that was e-mailed by our professor last week.

Please forgive me if I become the always unavailable to have fun brother, friend, confidante, drinking partner, etc. I have to focus. I must defend my dissertation proposal and get most of chapter one written by this summer. You understand. Don't you?

You might force me to go get dinner on occasion though or maybe grab one drink. Just one. It won't hurt. Right?

Thanks for being so understanding. Have fun this summer.

Your ambitious friend/brother/confidante/drink partner,
Raul H.

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