Accidental Plan

Welcome to Accidental Plan -- your source for my random thoughts on just about anything. I have tons of random thoughts everyday. I try to remember them so I can bring them to you, the Accidental Plan readers. I hope you enjoy. If you do, come back often. If you don't, come back less often.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Guys are idiots

Let me clarify. These guys from Texas A&M University are idiots but they also are extremely entertaining. Enjoy and do not try this at home!

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dreamgirls drama

This holiday, I visited my family in southern Texas. I was so pumped to see Dreamgirls at the movie theater on Christmas Day. It was all planned out. Wake up early. Watch Santa Claus pass through on a fire truck in front of the house (it happens every year). Eat breakfast. DREAMGIRLS at the local movie theater.

My sister reluctantly agreed to join me. She didn't even know what it was about. My dad was more excited that my sister because he had seen the Oprah episode about the movie.

Christmas morning came. I woke up, grabbed the newspaper from outside, and to my Dreamgirls listing on the move showtimes. What the hell? I thought surely this is a typo. I called the Cinemark theater and listened to their recorded showtimes. No Dreamgirls listing. So much for that! They probably won't get the movie here until February. That sucks! Instead I went to see We Are Marshall. It was pretty good but it wasn't Dreamgirls. As they say in the blogosphere: Developing...
Photo from

Take a deep look

Tomorrow I'm going to see the highly publicized and controversial Body Worlds exhibit. I heard about it from several friends who saw it in Houston, and watched several news stories on local media. The most random place I saw the exhibit advertised (read: product placement) was in the Casino Royale 007 movie.

You can expect a full review here. Try to sleep before then.

Oh and by the way, Merry Christmas and all that jazz.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Dressing up on a Saturday night

I know one of the important rules of good blogging is to be timely. This blog is about one month old but it is still an important one.

November 11 was the 25th DFW Black Tie Dinner at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Dallas. This was my fifth dinner and it was still one of the best. Each year, I am a table captain and sell a table for the event. This year, I was surrounded by great frieds and a couple
of new guys from Midland (hey guys!).

This year's speaker was Geena Davis. I loved her in ABC's "Commander in Chief" and her many other roles on the big screen. She was funny (in an awkward girl way), and extremely passionate about equality for everyone. The star of the night though was Alan Cumming who received the Elizabeth Birch Equality Award. Cumming was hilarious, poignant, and honored to be recognized for being a "loud homo." He did a great job of delivering an inspiring message.

This a great event that supports local nonprofit organizations that do important work. Everyone should support some kind of organization that helps others (and you might as well pick one where you can dress up and feel really special in the process). I can't wait for next year.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Done with school, sorta

I am technically finished with class for this semester but I still have to submit a paper for one of my classes to get my final grade. Also, I need to work on a research paper that was accepted to be presented at a conference in the spring, and I need to do more research on my dissertation topic.

So technically the semester is over but I'm still busy with school stuff. Let's party but not too hard because it is still technically a school night.

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I've been doing some holiday shopping this past week and it has been really fun. I used to go shopping a lot (even if I didn't buy anything), but with school and work being so hectic, I haven't done a lot of shopping in several months.

I like looking for bargains. I love finding things for myself. I love the mall. It is funny because a lot of people get annoyed with crowds but not me. There is so much energy around this time of year that I get excited about digging through racks of crap to find just the right gift for that special someone(s) on my list.

So Accidental Plan readers, go out and help out the economy. Check people off your list and invite me along to go with you to the mall.

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