Accidental Plan

Welcome to Accidental Plan -- your source for my random thoughts on just about anything. I have tons of random thoughts everyday. I try to remember them so I can bring them to you, the Accidental Plan readers. I hope you enjoy. If you do, come back often. If you don't, come back less often.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Enjoying my break from school

Right now I'm on my break from school and I'm loving it. My birthday is coming up and the weather has been great so I've been going out, catching up with friends and celebrating the anniversary of my birth. By the way if you can scam your friends into celebrating your birthday for 10 days then you should go for it!

I realize that I have less than a week before school starts again. This really makes me sad because I realize that I will have tons to do, and life will be crazy again. But until then, laissez les bons temps rouler.

Aside from school, I'm also planning my trip to Washington, DC later this month, my vacation to NYC for the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS fundraiser, and a trip to the Valley to visit my family and friend Desire. I'm really excited about the next few months.


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